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A chronic health condition woke me up to become responsible for living my life. Even within present limitations, I have more life than I ever have because of the relationship I have with my experience.


Before this illness, I lived a life that was constantly in motion, never allowing myself to pause. When I did ‘rest’ my mind was still chaotic, my body buzzing with pressures and judgements on myself, an experience of not feeling settled. I excessively pursued financial wealth, used social media as a tool to respond to insecurities, and felt what I perceived as a need to please others. I was unconsciously creating pathways to avoid facing the cause of these beliefs, feelings and behaviours. At no fault of my own, just doing the best I could.

I would constantly avoid social situations and uncomfortable conversations, often passing judgment on others. I held onto the belief that my happiness relied on attaining a specific 'x' in life, oblivious to the fact that 'x' was merely a distant notion, typically a materialistic possession. As I accumulated more, my desires only grew stronger, leading me into an ongoing pursuit where my wants never aligned with my genuine needs. This left my body in a constant state of stress and strain and my response to it was to create more…


My body reached a breaking point and forced me to halt the incessant busyness that I was ignorant to, not because I didn’t know it was happening but because I didn’t know there was a place for it to be welcomed and supported, I wasn’t aware that there were other ways to respond to my experience. I wasn’t stopped just for a day, a week, or months, but over a year as I write this it’s been over 4 now. The symptoms were so strong, debilitating and broad, I felt helpless, a victim to my experience, scared, angry and sad. I was determined to work this illness out. I spent thousands doing every test and scan I could imagine, working with lung specialists, neurologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, functional medicine practitioners, and Microbiome experts, within this, I was simultaneously trying all kinds of different therapies. The illness still carried on persisting with such intensity, symptoms broadening, I was existing in this persistent space of debilitation, not knowing where to go or what to do next.


I worked as a nutritionist, personal trainer and health coach before this experience, so during such a systemic reaction, I had confidence I was feeding my body appropriately, supplementing certain ingredients to influence my recovery, and creating a sleeping routine which was maximising my rest and recovery. Although I still didn’t feel safe, symptoms continued to flat line and go through phases or increase and slightly decrease in severity. for more context 4 months of this experience I hired a carer to look after my needs as my energy was so compromised. I was fortunate enough to financially facilitate this...




It was about 1 year in when I really understood what I needed and even then the process was slow but progressive. I was learning what my needs were. You see, any chronic illness isn’t bad luck, the more we lean on this card the more we will suffer. This relates to most experiences in life, where there is blame there will be pain. In the context of a post-viral illness, there will always be an area creating a susceptibility to having a strong reaction to a virus. Mine and I believe all people in such an experience have a need to process stored emotion and understand their pain in the body. This is what I did, beginning to unravel my perceptions, belief systems and feel what I had unconsciously suppressed. The major catalysts connected to my childhood and events that occurred before the illness. I explored these points over the years, learning how to express myself authentically and respond to challenges and/or pain. 


This changed my whole experience in life, inviting so much freedom and ease. Dissapating pain to a degree by understanding and feeling the emotional element within it all. As well as not resisting my experience, whatever that may be. To this day limitations still exist in my being, but I live now in an expansive experience instead of surviving in such a narrow one. I have devoted much priority to making sure I show up authentically in life, living the continuous process of moving through challenges with responsibility, and awareness and developing tools to aid the process.


I am glad for the illness experienced. It showed me what I needed to be able to live my life.

Training & Qualifications

- Compassionate Inquiry

- N1 Education

- Mac Nutrition Uni

- Level 2 & 3 counselling (AOL992)

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